Ask Gaytha

Ask Gaytha

Dear Gaytha,

I think my parents would benefit from the GrandCare system but they are very independent and will surely think that we are spying on them. How can I approach them with the idea?

Worried daughter

  • First talk about yourself. You care about their well-being and safety, and you're looking for your own peace of mind. We always put children in carseats, even though we don't expect to be in an accident. You expect your parents to be well, but as a precaution, you like the constant security of a GrandCare system that watches over their house. You also want an easy way to send pictures and messages to their TV.

Dear Gaytha,

My husband recently died and my children, who live in California, think I need more supervision. I have lived in my home for over 30 years and would miss my friends and neighbors if I had to move. I'm generally healthy, but I had a fall last month and was stuck on the garage floor for about 12 hours. No pun intended, but now I don't have a leg to stand on. My daughters are very worried about me all the time and want me to move to an assisted living facility. How can GrandCare help me to stay in my home?

Still capable in Oklahoma City

  • You are very lucky to have such loving daughters. I'm sure they care not only about your safety but also your happiness. With GrandCare, your daughters can log into your home to make sure you have not fallen and can't get back up again. They can choose to receive emails or phone calls if something seems amiss. Plus the bonus is that they can send communications to your TV to make sure that you're always in the loop and that you can see all the latest pictures.

Dear Gaytha,

My father lives alone and has mild Parkinson's disease. He is fine as long as he can remember to take medication four times a day, which would be difficult for anyone. I try to call and remind him but I forget too, and sometimes I'm busy at work and can't make the call. Is there anything that GrandCare can do to help him?

Want to help Dad

  • Medication non-compliance is one of the most common reasons that people are not able to continue living without supervision. Usually, we are all willing to comply if we can just remember. One of the features of GrandCare is a little medication treasure chest that sends notifications when it has not been accessed at the right times. Alerts come in the form of a message on your dad's TV, or as phone calls or emails to you or your dad.

Dear Gaytha,

I am a long term care provider with a long waiting list for my services. Unfortunately, I am having trouble finding qualified staff so that I can accept more clients. My turnover is low, but each turnover costs me big time. How could I use the GrandCare system in my business?

Homecare operator

  • GrandCare will never replace a good staff member, but it will make her job easier and allow her to reach more clients. GrandCare will record vitals such as blood pressure and weight; and staff can use GrandCare to enter care-notes for sharing with each other and with family members. GrandCare also protects staff by confirming that ordered services were performed as requested and in a timely manner.

Dear Gaytha,

My mother still drives, plays bridge, quilts, and reads novels. I have no reason to suspect that she needs supervision, but I don't want to be naive and then be unhappily surprised that the next door neighbor finds something wrong. What is the least invasive way for me to watch after her?

Pragmatic daughter

  • You and your mother are not alone. No one wants to take extreme measures before there is a real problem, but we don't want to be caught off guard either. GrandCare has the simple solution of hiding its little black box in the residence along with a few tiny activity sensors. At any time you can log into the house to check activity levels, but you can also wait for the system to notify you by email or telephone if she doesn't move around like she should. Later you can add wellness sensors such as a blood pressure monitor. And you can always use the communication feature for the fun of it. Sending pictures and messages to her TV can help delay cognitive decline and other common aging symptoms.

Dear Gaytha,

We have done all our homework and searched everywhere for a way to keep my mom living in the home that she loves. We think GrandCare could solve our problem, but it looks too expensive. How can regular people afford GrandCare or any other technology?

Worried about Money

  • First of all, any solution that keeps someone living in their own home is far less expensive than moving to supervised care. However, there are also leasing options that start as low as $300-$500 up front and $99-$299/month. Contact us for a dealer near you. Find out what your options are.

Dear Gaytha,

So many people talk about how technology can help someone remain in their own home, but I just don't think it's realistic. Do you have an example of someone that actually needed to move to assisted living but was saved by technology?

Skeptical about Technology

  • Yes. There was a woman with early Parkinson's who wasn't taking her medications regularly, fell in her garage, couldn't get up, and wasn't found for 2 days. Her busy daughter insisted that she move to assisted living. Our Parkinson's woman found GrandCare. Now she gets a phone call herself if she forgets to access her meds. If she still doesn't, her daughter gets a call. She wants her daughter to let her live in her home; so she makes sure her daughter never gets that call. With proper medication, her Parkinson's is pretty well under control, and with occasional drop-in care, she can live independently in her home.

Dear Gaytha,

I have a sister and a brother, and they'll help me send communications to our Dad, but none of us feels competent to assess his overall safety, health, and wellness. Do you have a call center or staff on hand to help us?

Awesome Responsibility of Care

  • When you live too far away from your parent, or you just don't feel comfortable knowing how long your parent can live happily and safely in his own home, despite a good communication and monitoring technology, then we highly recommend finding a local care professional or in home care provider to help you. Often there is a local retirement community with outreach services. GrandCare or a dealer near you can help you locate just the right service. In fact, some of our dealers are actually professional care providers themselves. You don't have bear the responsibility alone.
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