For the Boomer

Benefits for the Boomer

You don't have to be old to enjoy the benefits of GrandCare. If you are a boomer, you can improve the security and efficiency of your house, and your long term wellness.


  • Allow your current home to monitor and record your wellness.
  • Use your television to view thousands of pictures.
  • Save money by reducing energy costs with the green features of GrandCare.
  • Save time by letting GrandCare display news headlines and weather on your television or on a dedicated monitor.
  • Let GrandCare remind you of all the important birthdays and anniversaries.
  • Improve your health by better management of chronic conditions.
  • Keep track of your weight, blood sugar, or blood pressure to help your doctor provide better care.
  • Enjoy the trivia, nostalgia, and other entertainment provided by Grandcare.
  • Use GrandCare to remotely monitor your residence while on vacation.


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